Advocating for Arts Funding in Wisconsin

Advocating for Arts Funding in Wisconsin
By Full Compass Live
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More than 100 educators filled Overture Center's main lobby on March 9  for Arts Day 2017. Teachers and aides came from across Wisconsin, ready to advocate for arts funding across the state.

Now in its 25th year, Arts Wisconsin is the driving force behind this event. Arts Wisconsin is focused on celebrating diverse expression in multiple forms. This day was about education, but the group has also advocated for arts programs and events for all ages.

arts day 2With talking points, stats and compelling stories in hand, the group made its way to the State Capitol to meet with legislators. Their ultimate goal was to discuss a new initiative called Wisconsin Creates. The bill, which is set to be introduced in the next few weeks, would help solidify arts funding in Wisconsin schools.

Full Compass founders Jonathan and Susan Lipp have been in this position, and truly know the difference advocating for arts can make. In Washington D.C., the Lipps were part of a group with the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMMFullcompass LogoDefinition:
NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants): A professional, not-for-profit trade organization that promotes the benefits of music-making. NAMM also refers to the twice-yearly trade shows the revolve around music dealers, manufacturers, and educators.
) who successfully changed wording to increase funds for arts in schools across the nation.

"The point of today is to talk with people you don't know," said Anne Katz, Arts Wisconsin Executive Director. "Write your ideas down, get them to us, and we'll continue our work to encourage arts in Wisconsin."

Full Compass is proud to be part of this group of educators and supporters to continue to work for the arts in Wisconsin. In addition to the Lipps’ deep personal interest in arts programs, many area schools and nonprofits rent equipment from Full Compass for performances and workshops each year. It's a wonderful way for us to stay involved in our local community, and connected to what is important to the next generationFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The number of times a recording has been copied.
of arts leadership.

(photos from Arts Wisconsin)

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