Harman honors Full Compass' own Michelle Grabel-Komar

Harman honors Full Compass' own Michelle Grabel-Komar
By Full Compass Live
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Harman recently profiled Full Compass' Vice President of Sales, Michelle Grabel-Komar, in their "Women in Audio" blog series.


Michelle has spent most of her life in the music industry, beginning with singing as a teenager, eventually making a living performing. She was first part of the Full Compass family in the late 1990s, and returned in 2013 after working for Shure. She now heads up our Sales Department, and works with Marketing and Merchandising to best help Full Compass customers.

In the article, she recounts her experience, how her career has progressed and what it's like to be a woman in this business. Head over to Harman's blog to read the full article.