This NAMM is Your NAMM

This NAMM is Your NAMM
By Full Compass Live
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Forget the fact that NAMM is really a gigantic trade show for the music industry. What we need to remember is that this show, this NAMMFullcompass LogoDefinition:
NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants): A professional, not-for-profit trade organization that promotes the benefits of music-making. NAMM also refers to the twice-yearly trade shows the revolve around music dealers, manufacturers, and educators. your NAMM!

Point is, it's yours because all of these people, vendors, R&D types and musicians come together because they want to make the music industry stronger, better-sounding, provide better support for musicians out there trying to make it.

Nick Welsh, Musical Instruments Specialist at Full Compass has been to NAMM several times and, for him, this show is about finding solutions for "gigging" musicians.


We will see and hear more from Nick and our other audio and video experts out at NAMM over the next few days.