Anchor Audio MegaVox Pro 8000 Portable PA System Overview

Anchor Audio MegaVox Pro 8000 Portable PA System Overview
Anchor Audio MegaVox Pro 8000 Portable PA System Overview | Full Compass
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The Anchor Audio MegaVox Pro is a portable PAFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(Public Address) A sound system intended to provide audio coverage to large groups of people.
system that has a powerful, high-efficiency re-entrant horn driver, and is designed to project your voice loud and clear. This model comes with built-in BluetoothFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A short distance (less than 33 feet) wireless data transfer standard.
connectivity, a coilFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(slang) Inductor; its derivation is that most inductors are made up of coils of wire.
cord microphone that plugs into the back and a removable clip-on shoulder strap.

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