CAD Audio CADLive 3000 Series Wireless Handheld Microphone System Overview

CAD Audio CADLive 3000 Series Wireless Handheld Microphone System Overview
CAD Audio CADLive 3000 Series Wireless Handheld Microphone System Overview | Full Compass
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The CADLive 3000 Series features True DiversityFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A two-antenna wireless receiver feature with two separate receiver circuits, intended to increase reliability.
operation to minimize multipathFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A phenomenon involving radio frequency signals that have more than one route to an antenna, which causes a delay of one signal compared to another. This can result in interference, or artifacts (like "ghosting" with television).
interference along with CADLock Automatic Tone Encoded SquelchFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A circuit in a RF radio receiver that mutes noise when signal is not present.
to eliminate unauthorized transmissions in the signal path. Frequency agileFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The quality of a wireless system that can change operating frequency easily and automatically, specifically to avoid potential interference.
design when partnered with ScanLink™ technology will precisely scan, select and link to the optimum channelFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. In radio, television, citizen's band radio, and other wireless communications modes, a specific frequency for communication. 2. In mixers and video, an input or output signal path with controls. 3. In MIDI, one of 16 data paths.
allow for an easy, flexible frequencyFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A value, expressed in Hertz, that indicates how many cycles of a periodic signal occur in one second.

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