CAD Audio CADLive D89 Supercardioid Instrument Microphone Overview

CAD Audio CADLive D89 Supercardioid Instrument Microphone Overview
CAD Audio CADLive D89 Supercardioid Instrument Microphone Overview | Full Compass
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The CADFullcompass LogoDefinition:
CAD (Computer-Aided Design): The use of computers to assign in mechanical, electronic, and other design tasks, including testing, prototyping, and manufacturing.
Audio CADLive D89 supercardioidFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A unidirectional microphone polar pattern that is narrower than a cardioid mic, but wider than a hypercardioid mic.
dynamic instrument microphone
is outfitted with a Trueflex diaphragmFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The moving portion of a microphone that transforms sound waves into motion that can ultimately produce electrical waves.
and PowerGap high gaussFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Unit of measurement for magnetic fields.
NeodymiumFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A magnetic material with stronger flux than Alnico. The stronger flux allows creating more efficient (and lighter) speakers and dynamic microphones.
magnets, creating a hot and articulate live performance instrument microphone.

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