Delay Speakers: a Key to Successful Live Sound

Delay Speakers: a Key to Successful Live Sound
By Doug Gould,
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Whether for small-to-large venues, outdoor concerts, large auditoriums, or conferences, the sound system’s goal is for everyone to be able to hear at a comfortable level, with clarity and intelligibility. Houses of Worship are a particular challenge, often because of the space itself—depending on where you sit in the sanctuary, it may be too loud or not loud enough. If “Faith comes by Hearing,” then it follows that churches need to place a high priority on the sound system so that everyone can hear the messages of sermons and songs.


Let’s analyze some of the issues involving the room itself.


Yes...and no, unless they’re done right. Many churches use a pair of speakers on walls (or stands) toward the front of the space to fill the left and right sides of the room with sound. But if you sit up front, while the kids may be enjoying it, elderly churchgoers may be ripping out their hearing aids.

Meanwhile, those in the back may not be able to differentiate between the vowels and consonants, and others may not be able to discern anything at all. Unless the room is small, one or two loudspeakers will not do the job of covering the audience (Fig. 1).

Fig 1 Room Size
Figure 1: The coverage for different parts of the room varies widely, from too loud in the front rows, to not loud enough in the rear corners.

I’ve been to many churches where they’ve recognized this problem, so they installed additional speakers to cover more area. However, they made the crucial mistake of not delaying the signal going to the additional speakers. Here’s why this is essential.

Sound travels at approximately 1,130 feet per second, or 1.13 feet per millisecond. The speed of light is 186,000 miles/second. That’s why you see lightning first and only hear the thunder later. (Fun fact: Next time you see lightning, start to count out the seconds—one, one thousand, two, one thousand, three, one thousand, etc., until you hear the thunder’s rumble. If you get to five, the lightning strike was about a mile away—5,000 feet.)

Got it? Now, suppose you’re sitting toward the back of a church that has loudspeakers placed in the front, and non-delayed loudspeakers placed 50 feet toward the back, or under the balcony. If the speakers play back the same audio at exactly the same time and you’re sitting toward the back, you’ll hear the sound twice: once immediately from the speakers that are closest to you, and then about 50 milliseconds later from the main system’s loudspeakers. While this doesn’t sound quite as specific as an echoFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A repeat of an audio signal.
, it’s certainly enough for you to know that something is not rriigghhtt. Delaying the speaker(s) in the rear of the church by 50 milliseconds removes the echo and improves the system’s intelligibility (Fig. 2).

Fig 2 Fills
Figure 2: Adding delays to speakers that are further from the source improves intelligibility.

Another benefit is that using two (or if needed, more) speakers will reduce the levels in each area, front and back, to provide a more comfortable listening level.


There are expensive tools and software that professionals will use to time-align, calibrate, and “tune” the speakers to the room. For difficult spaces, it may be a good idea to bring someone in to evaluate your sanctuary.

On the other hand, you can determine the amount of delayFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A device that outputs and input signal some time later. This can be short for echo effects, longer for matching speaker stacks, or aligning sound and video.
each additional speaker will need with a tape measure and a calculator. If you have a speaker under a balcony, measure the distance from the main speaker to it. Multiply the distance times 1.1 milliseconds. This is the amount of delay you need to add.

Many digitalFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A signal or data expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.
consoles, like the PreSonus StudioLive-32 and StudioLive-24, include delay on every output, aux busFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. In audio, a common point that combines multiple signals, as in a "mix bus."  2. In computers, a path that interconnects various elements for transferring data among those elements.
, subgroupFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A number of mixer channels that can be controlled together, as if they were one channel. Also called Group or Submix.
, and matrixFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. (mixers) A crosspoint of controls for creating different mixes simultaneously.  2.(video) A crosspoint for switching a number of video input signals to different outputs. Also called Audio Follow Video Matrix.
so you don’t need to purchase additional hardware. So, apply the appropriate amount of delay to the output that feeds your under-balcony speaker, or the front fills, or the side fills, or the foyer. The Foyer? Absolutely! Have you ever been in your church’s lobby, having a cup of coffee while you’re waiting for your infant to stop crying, watching the LEDFullcompass LogoDefinition:
LED (Light-Emitting Diode): A semiconductor light generator used in displays, television, pointers and for general illumination. It is a low-power replacement for incandescent lamps.
screen so as not to miss the service? Notice anything different about the sound? You see/hear the band and depending on how far away you are from the main stage, you may hear the kick drum twice, once from the foyer speaker and again maybe 100 milliseconds later through the walls. If this isn’t the case, the foyer speakers have probably been set up properly, and the walls have been constructed with the right material to mitigate the room sound.

Many loudspeakers incorporate adjustable delays in their internal DSPFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. DSP (Digital Signal Processor): An integrated circuit or device that mathematically alters sound or video signals.  2. DSP (Digital Signal Processing): The technique of converting an analog signal into digital data, manipulating that data, then producing an analog output that reflects the changes caused by these manipulations done in the digital domain.
. The PreSonus StudioLive AIFullcompass LogoDefinition:
AI (Artificial Intelligence): The use of a computer to simulate human thought processes in solving problems or analyzing data.
series powered speakers also include an app (Fig. 3) that provides remoteFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A broadcast from the field, not from the studio. A Remote Control.
control over the speaker’s internal delay, so you can tweakFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. To make minor adjustments. 2. A person who is a perfectionist.
the timing while moving around the room.

Fig 3 Delay App
Figure 3: The app for the StudioLive AI powered speakers can edit not only volume and EQ, but delay as well.

If you have an analogFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A signal that is continuous in nature, as opposed to being defined as a series of discrete numbers (or elements) as found in digital signals; electrically "analogous" to an acoustical signal in the air.
boardFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A Sound or Lighting Control Console.
and the speakers do not have this feature, you’ll need to buy a simple delay device like the Rane AD22S, and patch it between the console’s output and the loudspeaker.


Our next task is making sure the levels are correct for all the loudspeakers in the room. Once you’ve positioned and delayed your satellite system, use an SPLFullcompass LogoDefinition:
See Sound Pressure Level.
meter to match the output of the main and delay systems at the measurement point. For example, if you are standing 30 feet from the left side of the main system and 10 feet from the left side of the delay system, and the output of the main system is 85 dBFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. A deciBel is a logarithmic ratio between two quantities, and is a nonlinear measurement that mimics human perception.  2. A unit expressing sound levels relative to a nominal level just audible by the average human ear, and equal to 1/10th of a Bel.  3. (slang) Database.
, then the output of the delay system should also be 85 dB (Fig. 4).

Fig 4 SPL Meter
Figure 4: An SPL meter can be a valuable tool for making sure the speaker levels are matched properly for the best listening experience.

Note that frequencies in a delay system’s sub-bass range don’t require distribution. In fact, because low frequencies become omnidirectionalFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A pattern describing a microphone, radio antenna, or loudspeaker that radiates or picks up in all directions equally.
, set the system’s highpass filterFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. (audio) A circuit that reduces certain frequencies, e.g., a low-pass or high-pass filter for audio. See also: Equalizer.  2. (optics) reduces certain color wavelengths or polarizations.
around 300 to 400 HzFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Abbreviation for Hertz. Unit of measurement for frequency, formerly called CPS (Cycles Per Second), that measures periodic waves, audio and radio frequencies, and mechanical repetitive motion. Example: 1000 Hz means a periodic waveform has 1000 cycles/vibrations per second.
to avoid sound going back toward the stage. You may even want to go one step further and create a specific delay speaker mix, that enhances vocals and rolls off the lower frequency instruments.

The general rule of thumb is to place delay systems where the main system’s intelligibility falls apart, as it’s overcome by environmental obstacles:

Inside. Indoors, you’re trying to overcome the direct-to-reverberant reflections. Your goal is to find where the direct signal-to-reverberation ratio has reached about 50/50. At this point, the reflections in the room are at an equal level to the direct sound of the P.A., which impacts vocal intelligibility.

Outside. Outdoors, the goal is to maintain level as the noise floorFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The unalterable, lowest noise level within a system, measured in dB. For example, microphone preamp hiss might set the noise floor in a recording situation.
of the crowd begins to be at equal level to the P.A. in the intelligibility range. At this point, the main system needs more support in order to deliver the same perceived loudnessFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. An audio signal's perceived volume.  2. The quantifying of the ear's non-linear frequency response versus volume. See: Fletcher-Munson curve.
as you get further from the source.

Finally, if applicable, don’t forget to delay your subwoofers compared to the main speakers. Place your speakers correctly, add the right amount of   d   e   l   a  y, and your audience or congregation will hear what they’re supposed to hear.

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  • PreSonus
  • Rane
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