Focusrite Clarett 8PreX

Focusrite Clarett 8PreX
Focusrite Clarett 8PreX Overview | Full Compass
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The Focusrite Clarett 8PreX ThunderboltFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A computer interface port or cable that multiplexes PCIe and DisplayPort data lines into two serial signals (along with DC power), which is then demultiplexed into separate PCIe and DisplayPort ports by the Thunderbolt controllers at receiving devices.
audio interfaceFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A device to convert audio signals into digital code suitable for use by a computer; typically communication occurs through a port such as USB, Thunderbolt, FireWire, etc.
offers 26 inputs and 28 outputs, including 8 analogFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A signal that is continuous in nature, as opposed to being defined as a series of discrete numbers (or elements) as found in digital signals; electrically "analogous" to an acoustical signal in the air.
inputs, 10 analog outputs, stereoFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A two channel signal simulating a sound space, typically played through two speakers.
S/PDIFFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(Sony/Philips Digital Interconnect Format) A protocol for a stereo digital audio connection, based on AES3, that uses coaxial cable or TOSlink optical cables.
I/OFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(Input/Output): 1. A pair of connections that provide input(s) and output(s). 2. The connections that link a computer to devices outside the computer.
, and 16 channels of ADATFullcompass LogoDefinition:
ADAT (Alesis Digital Audio Tape): An S-VHS-based, 8-track digital audio recording format, syncable with additional units to add tracks in groups of 8.
I/O for the connection of addition inputs and outputs such as a multichannel digitalFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A signal or data expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.
mic pre or an external D/A for additional line outputs. The 2RU rack-mount unit combines 8 Clarett mic preamps with class-leading dynamic rangeFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. Range in dB between a device's noise floor and its maximum available headroom. 2. The difference between the maximum and minimum volume levels that occur in a musical performance.
conversion and extraordinarily low round-trip latencyFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The amount of delay a signal, data, sound, video, or control signal acquires within a device, system, or long-distance connection.
– so low that plugins can be used, in real time, while monitoring recordings through the DAWFullcompass LogoDefinition:
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation): A computer program or stand-alone device that provides digital audio recording, editing, and mixing.

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