Full Compass Live @ Summerfest

Full Compass Live @ Summerfest
By Full Compass Live
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There are a couple of ways that you can tell it's summertime in Wisconsin: people are outside for hours at a time and the Summerfest grounds are ready for The Big Gig in Milwaukee!

This year, for the first time, Full Compass Systems is incredibly excited to be a dual sponsor for Summerfest. We are the backlineFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Musical equipment set up on stage or in a recording studio, often provided by the venue.
sponsor for all of the side stages during the 11-day music festival - meaning the drums, amps and other gear the bands will use are from us! Crazy, right?

Also, we are sponsoring with 88Nine Radio Milwaukee, the Summerfest Emerging Artists Series to support those bands right on the edge of breaking through to the next level. Exciting!

Photo courtesy Summerfest

Continuing our list of "firsts," we will be covering the music festival all over our social media channels with live streamingFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A form of live broadcast using internet services.
, interviews with bands and crews and loads of photos to share with those who can't be there.

Why? Because it's freakin' cool!


So, keep an eye out on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts and give us feedback on what bands you'd like to see/hear more of.

I'm packing plenty of SPF 100 (delicate Wisconsin skin), water, my ZoomFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Continuously variable enlargement or reduction of an image.
Q8 and H5, Canon VIXIA Mini-X, iPhone and iPad.

If you'd like some specialFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A lighting instrument for an effect in a performance, and not part of the general lighting plot.
backstageFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An area not open to the public where preparations for a performance take place, typically located behind the stage.
footage, message me on our Facebook page or DM on Twitter during Summerfest and I'll personally respond with exclusive video clips and photos.

Stay tuned - MO

Featured Brands

  • Zoom
  • Canare

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