Grace Design BiX Instrument Preamplifier Overview

Grace Design BiX Instrument Preamplifier Overview
Grace Design BiX Instrument Preamplifier Overview | Full Compass
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BiX takes the features of FELiX and AliX and combines them into one compact, streamlined preamp. The easy-to-use controls include input gain, high and low shelving EQ, and a 10dB variable boost circuit, with footswitches for muteFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. To silence or squelch an audio signal. 2. A switch that silences a signal.
and boost.

I/O includes instrument input, separate send and return insert jacks, an unbalanced line output, and a balanced ISO DIFullcompass LogoDefinition:
DI (Direct Injection): Also called Direct Instrument. A method of connecting a sound source, such as an electric or electronic instrument, directly to a recording or mixing device without a microphone.
output on XLR.

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Grace Design BiX Studio Quality Instrument Preamp / EQ / DI / Boost

Grace Design BiX Studio Quality Instrument Preamp / EQ / DI / Boost

BiX takes the features of FELiX and AliX and combines them into one compact, streamlined preamp

$355.00 View Details

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