Jay Weinberg (Slipknot) and Roland V-Drums Acoustic Design VAD506

Jay Weinberg (Slipknot) and Roland V-Drums Acoustic Design VAD506
Jay Weinberg (Slipknot) and Roland V-Drums Acoustic Design VAD506
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By Full Compass Live
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In this video, Jay checks out the V-Drums Acoustic Design VAD506 for the very first time, backstageFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An area not open to the public where preparations for a performance take place, typically located behind the stage.
at a Slipknot show. Already being very familiar with his TD-50KV V-Drums, Jay compares his current V-Drums setup with the VAD506 and talks about the differences he can see between them.

Jay’s custom setup uses two VAD506 kits, combined together, to exactly model his acoustic kit setup as played on stage with Slipknot. Two TD-27 modules are tethered together to provide inputs for all pads within the kit. Drum audio is recorded directly from the TD-27 modules into a DAWFullcompass LogoDefinition:
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation): A computer program or stand-alone device that provides digital audio recording, editing, and mixing.
. Mixing and panning completed in post-production, maintaining the authenticity of the TD-27 module sound. Video and audio recorded backstage at a Slipknot concert on January 24th 2020, Birmingham, UK.

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