Mixcast 4 - Podcast Audio Creation Made Easy

Mixcast 4 - Podcast Audio Creation Made Easy
WEBINAR: MIXCAST 4 - Podcast Audio Creation Made Easy
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By Full Compass Live
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The Mixcast 4 makes professional content creation easy. For PodcastFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An audio digital streaming program. Originally from iPod+Broadcast.
creation, live streamingFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A form of live broadcast using internet services.
, event production, or voice over, Mixcast 4 will mix and record mic inputs, internal sounds and music via the trigger pads, and external audio input from your phone or PC. Together with the Tascam Podcast Editor software, a complete solution - including both waveform editing and sound pad control - is provided from pre-production to completion. Recorded February 23, 2022.

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