Resident Audio T2 2-Channel Thunderbolt Audio Interface

Resident Audio T2 2-Channel Thunderbolt Audio Interface
Resident Audio T2 2-Channel Thunderbolt Audio Interface Overview | Full Compass
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Resident Audio’s T2 is a feature-rich audio interfaceFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A device to convert audio signals into digital code suitable for use by a computer; typically communication occurs through a port such as USB, Thunderbolt, FireWire, etc.
for Thunderbolt-enabled Mac and PC computers that provides two channels of I/OFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(Input/Output): 1. A pair of connections that provide input(s) and output(s). 2. The connections that link a computer to devices outside the computer.
with near-zero latencyFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The amount of delay a signal, data, sound, video, or control signal acquires within a device, system, or long-distance connection.
in a lightweight, portable package. The unit supports high-resolutionFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. (video) The measure of pixels horizontally and vertically. For example, 1920x1080 is considered HD, or high-definition. 2. (audio) The combined bit depth and sample rate of a digital audio signal.
audio and allows you to record and play back audio with full 24-bit resolution, at sampling rates up to 96 kHzFullcompass LogoDefinition:
kHz (Kilohertz): 1,000 Hertz, or one thousand cycles per second.
. The T2 can be plugged into your studio monitors, or connected straight into the soundboard onstage, which is especially useful for touring and studio musicians. Its MIDI InFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A connector or software port that receives MIDI data.
and Out connectors allow it to also be used as a MIDI interface with an ultra-stable clock that keeps all your sequencers and drum machines locked to audio playback, with no “slop” or delay, and ensures precise synchronization between your audio and MIDIFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A hardware/software standard for communication of musical data digitally among electronic instruments, effects, and computers. However it is also used for to control lighting, pyrotechnics, theatrical displays, and mechanical devices. For example, the fountains at the Bellagio in Las Vegas is controlled by MIDI. Also called MIDI 1.0.

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  • Resident Audio

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