SPL Iron Mastering Compressor Teaser

SPL Iron Mastering Compressor Teaser
SPL Iron Mastering Compressor Teaser | Full Compass
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The SPLFullcompass LogoDefinition:
See Sound Pressure Level.
IRON ("Model 1520") is a MasteringFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Compiling individual recordings into an album or collection of songs, or an individual song for a single release, often with added equalization, dynamics processing, and other signal processing to create a consistent and optimized listening experience. With albums, mastering can also involve determining the sequence of the individual recordings.
CompressorFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A device that reduces dynamic range by a certain ratio, and used primarily for audio signals.
designed by SPL designer Wolfgang Neumann, featuring a tubeFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(slang) A vacuum tube or (valve), an electronic amplifying or rectifying element with a heating filament, in a glass or metal envelope.
architecture and Vari-Mu-operational principle, built atop SPL's now-famous 120 Volt Rail technology found in their best offerings. Six rectifierFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Solid-state or vacuum tube electronic component that converts AC to DC, as used in power supplies. Similar in functionality to a diode.
settings for the detector circuit are available, as well as four distinct filters present in the side-chain signal path.

Tube BiasFullcompass LogoDefinition:
DC Bias is the addition of a DC voltage to an AC signal. AC bias is the addition of an ultrasonic signal to audio to reduce distortion in tape recording.
settings (Low, Mid, High) are available per each channelFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. In radio, television, citizen's band radio, and other wireless communications modes, a specific frequency for communication. 2. In mixers and video, an input or output signal path with controls. 3. In MIDI, one of 16 data paths.
. As if these features aren't enough, they are joined by features such as "AirBass" and "Tape roll-off" as additional timbre-shaping tools. The controls for Attack, Release, Ratio, Input and Output are designed as a rotary switch, as it is typical for effect units to be used in mastering.

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