Summerfest For You-erfest!

Summerfest For You-erfest!
By Full Compass Live
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Summerfest is history. Done. Fin. The End. Until next year.

For all 10 days, Full Compass Systems supplied the backlineFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Musical equipment set up on stage or in a recording studio, often provided by the venue.
gear on all of the stages for all of the bands to use during their performances for hundreds of bajillions of people (stats not verified).

Today we brought back all of those amps and drums and gear to the Full Compass studio to check, clean and fawn over. Now all of this gear can be yours! 

We've never ever never done anything like this before. So the coolness factor is way high for us at this moment!! #Giddy

Take a look around our Summerfest page and own a piece of music history from the world's largest music festival and call "DIBS" before someone else does.


Because once it's gone, it's gone.


- M