Tascam iM2 Stereo Condenser Mic for the iPad and iPhone

Tascam iM2 Stereo Condenser Mic for the iPad and iPhone
Tascam iM2 Stereo Condenser Microphone for iPhone, iPad, iOS Overview | Full Compass
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Tascam presents the iM2 StereoFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A two channel signal simulating a sound space, typically played through two speakers.
CondenserFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An archaic term for Capacitor.
Mic for the iPad and iPhone. The ultra-portable TASCAM iM2 is a must-have for musicians who want to capture audio on their iPhone or iPad without sacrificing recording quality. A stereo condenser microphoneFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A microphone with a charged diaphragm over a stationary plate, with an internal amplifier that requires power (battery or phantom power).
– the same as our best-selling DR-series recorders – plugs into the dock connector of your Apple device. The microphone is adjustable over 180 degrees for the best sound placement. The iM2 contains its own microphone preamp and analog-to-digitalFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A signal or data expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.
converter for low noise and great audio quality.

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  • Tascam

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