The Whole NAMM 2016 Experience

The Whole NAMM 2016 Experience
By Full Compass Live
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NAMMFullcompass LogoDefinition:
NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants): A professional, not-for-profit trade organization that promotes the benefits of music-making. NAMM also refers to the twice-yearly trade shows the revolve around music dealers, manufacturers, and educators.
is like the Super Bowl.

It's big, it's loud, it changes the game for fans. And sometimes it's better to watch it on TV. That's why we're here. To share why this show matters to consumers and our followers.

The first couple of hours of NAMM has been a sweaty scramble to connect with our friends at Roland, DW and Fender. Each has some unique product releases, full expansions of their offerings or some fine-tuned tweaks.

I'm working on a podcastFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An audio digital streaming program. Originally from iPod+Broadcast.
about these. But here's a preview:

Roland is going all-in when it comes to accessories. It doesn't sound sexy, but it's a huge step for consumers to be able to one-stop-shop with them. You can buy cables, lighting, stools and stands. And from the looks of everything, it's high-quality stuff.

DW has unveiled some beautiful new engineering with the DW Drums MCD (Machined Chain Drive) Pedals! Oh these are gorgeous pieces with a new adjustable gear "shift-style lever" that allows to quickly shift between the chain-drive cam settings. I spoke with the product designer who is thrilled with the ease-of-use for drummers.

Fender, well, they're Fender! A colorful display of their Elite Series of guitars and basses. We'll have more on those later.

Back to the show floor for me. Videos and podcasts from NAMM are on the way!

Featured Brands

  • Roland
  • DW
  • Fender

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