Touchscreens and the Ever-Evolving Classroom

Touchscreens and the Ever-Evolving Classroom
By Full Compass Live
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Those of you who attended school in the days when “technology” meant a teacher could present students with a copy of a slightly wet mimeograph with words in light blue and an unforgettable odor, know firsthand how different the learning experience is for today’s students.

It won’t surprise many to see teachers nowadays relying entirely on tablets and touchscreens to present their students with a learning experience that’s more interactive in every way. And soon, students will expect nothing less. After all, they’re used to the clear, crisp HD images they see on televisions, games consoles, tablets and smart phones. Anything that’s not up to those standards may very well lessen the educational experience from the get go.

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Image courtesy: Promethean World

Interactive whiteboards and touchscreens offer a brighter and cleaner-looking image, making them a more efficient and more engaging alternative to standard classroom projectors and computer monitors. They create a seamless teaching experience with limitless possibilities, thanks to flexible functions.

With touchscreens in their classrooms, teachers are able to create collaborative lessons to engage students and encourage active participation. Screens can be operated with a finger or stylusFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A phonograph 'needle' replaceable in a phono cartridge.
, allowing teachers and students to easily navigate applications, edit digitalFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A signal or data expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.
content, practice their communication and presentation skills, use multi-media content, and much more. Plus, many touchscreens have multi-touch capabilities, whereby more than one student can operate a touchscreen at the same time, interacting with multi-sensory digital content and each other in incredible new ways.

In classrooms using technology effectively, it in turn becomes seamlessly integrated into the learning experience.

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Image courtesy: Wired

In classrooms using technology effectively, it in turn becomes seamlessly integrated into the learning experience. This happens when forward-looking school districts take steps to improve things behind the scenes, such as increasing network and internet capability and making ideal choices when purchasing equipment for their classrooms.

To learn more about touchscreen options to enhance your students’ educational experiences, reach out to your Full Compass Sales Pro at 800-476-9886.