Warm Audio WA12 MKII/WA-87 Bundle Overview

Warm Audio WA12 MKII/WA-87 Bundle Overview
Warm Audio WA12 MKII/WA-87 Bundle Overview | Full Compass
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Bryce Young, President of Warm Audio, gives a detailed look at the WA12 MKII/WA-87 Bundle. This limited edition bundle, assembled exclusively at Full Compass to offer a great value for our customers, combines Warm Audio's WA12 MKII microphone preamplifierFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An amplifier that boosts low-level signals, such as those from phonograph cartridges, microphones, and instrument pickups to line level. May be stand-alone, or integrated into a device like a mixer.
along with their WA-87 condenser microphoneFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A microphone with a charged diaphragm over a stationary plate, with an internal amplifier that requires power (battery or phantom power).

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