Automation Trimming Tips

Automation Trimming Tips
Automation Trimming Tips
119 viewsVideo Like 2
By Craig Anderton
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AutomationFullcompass LogoDefinition:
With recording, the process of storing control and switch mixer moves so that they can be duplicated upon playback.
records and reproduces your mixing moves so that faderFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An audio control, rotary or linear, to control volume level.
positions change automatically. But automation can also regain some of the expressive dynamicsFullcompass LogoDefinition:
In a musical performance, changes in overall volume levels, often accompanied by timbral changes. Example: Classical symphonic music has a wide dynamic range, while dance mixes have a much narrower dynamic range.
that can be lost during the recording process. This week, Craig talks through using automation trimming and other techniques to enhance and augment your final mix.