Make Drums Punch

Make Drums Punch
Make Drums Punch
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By Craig Anderton
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Make your drums and drum loops punctuate and pound through your mix by using transience to enhance the tracks. Craig Anderton walks you through the steps in different programs, including using various fadeFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. In audio, to reduce volume slowly. 2. In film/video, to reduce image brightness.
types to accentuate the effectFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A device or software program that modifies some aspect of audio or video. With audio, the term is used interchangeably with signal processor.
. By blending the processed sound into the original audio, you’ll hear a lot more attackFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The time it takes for a signal to reach maximum amplitude. This timing controls the response of dynamics processors such as compressors and limiters, and a variety of music synthesizer modules.
and punch.