MXL Revelation Tube Condenser Microphone

MXL Revelation Tube Condenser Microphone
MXL Revelation Tube Condenser Microphone Overview | Full Compass
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MXL Revelation Tube Condenser Microphone overview at Full Compass Systems with MXL Microphones National Sales Manager, Jim Mona.

The MXL Revelation delivers the warmth and intimacy of a quality tubeFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(slang) A vacuum tube or (valve), an electronic amplifying or rectifying element with a heating filament, in a glass or metal envelope.
condenser microphoneFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A microphone with a charged diaphragm over a stationary plate, with an internal amplifier that requires power (battery or phantom power).
with extended clarity and punch for balanced recording. A dual gold-sputtered, 6-micron diaphragmFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The moving portion of a microphone that transforms sound waves into motion that can ultimately produce electrical waves.
and hand-selected EF86 pentodeFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A vacuum tube with five components, including three grids.
tube deliver warm, rich and transparent sound, and polar patternFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A graphic representation illustrating in positional degrees the sensitivity or radiation of a microphone, speaker, or antenna.
selection is virtually limitless thanks to the variable knob. Record vocals, instruments, percussion or use it as a room mic - the MXL Revelation can handle any recording task.

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